5 fun things to do after speaking out which don’t involve hiding in a dark room

You know that feeling - you’ve plucked up the courage, hyped yourself up, and said that thing you always wanted to say. 

You felt GREAT in the moment, and yet… minutes later, you’re questioning yourself, wondering, ‘What the HELL have I just done?’. 

What now? 😩

A few options for you -

  1. You go and binge-watch MAFS on repeat and hide behind a cushion for the rest of the day.

  2. You head straight to the bar and grab that glass of vino you deserve.

  3. You doom scroll on repeat, in the darkest room possible, until you’ve completed the internet.

Jokes aside, in a situation where you’ve wanted the ground to swallow you up like this, the reality probably isn’t far off. 

But there are other, more healthy behaviours that you can do when this happens to stop that vulnerability hangover from hell.

Take a look at these 5 options:

  1. Get out for a walk. As cliché as it sounds, get out in nature! Reconnect and get present with your surroundings and your feelings.

  2. Move your body. Yoga, weights, pilates… whatever it is, do something to challenge your body, shift your focus and get those endorphins pumping. 

  3. Phone someone and ask for support. *Be honest* with how you’re feeling. 

  4. Do something new. Give your brain some novelty and something new to focus on - it could be as simple as trying a new tea or having a different topping on your toast. 

  5. Acknowledge how you’re feeling. By naming it, ‘I feel….’ instead of ‘I am…’ it takes the power it has over you away and puts you back in control. 

The vulnerability hangover from hell is only temporary AND it shows signs of growth. Getting visible can be uncomfortable, but just like learning any new skill, it gets easier over time. 

You can do this.

Amy x

