Amy Leighton | Mindset + Confidence Coach

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3 ways to get back on track right now - even if you’ve fallen way off.

We’ve all been there. One day / week / month you’re totally on it, then something happens and the next, you feel so far from being on it you wondered if you were ever really on it at all. 

Maybe you started a new exercise plan and went all in for a week, only to fall totally off the bandwagon the next. Maybe you told yourself 9pm bedtimes are the way forwards, but when 9pm comes that next episode of Grey’s Anatomy is just too tempting. Or maybe you told yourself you’d get more visible in your business and went in all guns blazing for the first week, only to be too exhausted to show up the next.

Before you know it, that big dream that you had feels like it’s slipping through your fingers and you feel like you’ve failed - again.

The thing is, it doesn’t make you a failure. It makes you human. The thing that makes you stand out from everyone else though is how you move forwards. Do you let it slide completely, or do you dust yourself off and keep moving forwards?

Sometimes things crop up and moving closer to goals just simply isn’t possible. But when it is, below I’ve listed some strategies to help get you back on track straight away… 

  1. Create consistency in your routine

Schedule it into your diary and make an appointment with yourself to do ‘the thing’ to move towards your goal at the same time every day. Make it small though - the smaller it is, the more achievable it will be, the more likely you are to stick with it and the more consistent you will become.

2. Be accountable

The amount of times I’ve been to co-working sessions where you share what you’re going to work on at the start of the session, and then check in at the end to share what you achieved - guess what? That thing that you’ve been putting off for months actually gets done.

Or maybe it’s arranging to go to the gym with a friend. See you at 7.30am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday? I’ll be there.

By having some sort of external expectation associated with what we’re trying to achieve, we’re much more likely to be consistent with our plans to work towards it.

3. Mind your language

We all know the drill.

‘I’ll start again tomorrow’

‘I deserve a day off’

‘Maybe next time’

Instead of creating excuses for yourself and ducking out of consistency, how about flipping your language to something more empowering?

‘I’m consistently working towards a better version of me’

‘I can show up for myself in this moment’

‘I’m flexing my CEO muscles to build a better life for me and my loved ones’

By switching up how you speak to yourself in the moments where willpower is dwindling, you’re reminding yourself of all of the positive reasons why you started in the first place… and giving yourself the power back by doing this means that you’re more likely to show up for yourself when motivation is low. 

The overarching thing to ask yourself when you’re struggling is, ‘do I actually want this?’. It’s amazing the amount of time us humans spend chasing after things we don’t actually want. Make sure you’re putting your energy into something you truly care about, and it’ll be so much easier to stay consistent.

Want more support staying consistent? Get in touch to chat about my new 6 month VIP 1:1 Coaching Programme, and let’s get you thriving in life & business. 

Want to know more about getting visible for your business? Join myself and renowned journalist Anya Meyerowitz on 9th June for our online workshop, Confidence + Coverage, getting you ready to pitch to the press and feel confident doing so.